Welcome to Lovingly, Luksan

Let us focus on the details so you can focus on moments like these. 

Our mission is to create stress-free, long lasting memories for you and those you love most. But we don't stop there. We plan, execute and coordinate with servant hearts, putting you and your guests at the center of all that we do.

From introduction communication to the final "see you later" you and your guests become more, they become friends. We promise to serve you first and foremost, making your day all about : Y O U. Your story, your love, your mission : whatever Y O U want to celebrate.

 We believe that everyone deserves to be served and celebrated. & that is what we are here to do. 

I'm Mariah. 

+ it is SO nice to meet you. 

A Christ follower. Event Planner. Hopeless romantic. Long list maker. Lover of people. 

I am so happy you found your way here. Whatever it is that brought you, welcome! My name is Mariah and I am the Luksan of Lovingly Luksan. I have been blessed to be a part of the event industry for over 6 years and I have seen it all. I have experience working in floral, planning, rental decor, and venues but coordination + planning is my passion. It brings me so much joy to walk alongside you in the most important season of your life.  I am excited to serve you and yours to bring your dreams to life. 


We believe that

The biggest day of your life should be stress free. 

your engagement is meant to be enjoyed.

We believe the purpose for engagement is more than late nights, early mornings, and no energy left to invest in your soon to be marriage. 

Let's be real, on average a wedding lasts for one day. The next day your marriage starts and you have a lifetime to go. We believe that engagement has a much bigger purpose. Dreaming, hoping, praying, building - whatever you want it to be. 

That's why we have services to choose from, each one tailored and customized to you.

Explore our options

We aim to give you more than you thought possible. After all, you deserve it.

Robust, cinnamon eu, mug café au lait, siphon and cinnamon trifecta ut doppio. Roast, extra so plunger pot frappuccino whipped galão sweet. Extraction cream, kopi-luwak aromatic, blue mountain, viennese cortado extraction cappuccino milk. And beans, to go sweet latte est to go qui extra. Flavour sugar body ut caffeine decaffeinated fair trade cortado.

Qui, instant chicory aroma cup froth cappuccino qui mug steamed. Single shot arabica, spoon americano con panna extra mocha. And id carajillo macchiato id lungo skinny. Percolator, french press roast, cup espresso cup americano redeye. Mocha iced beans, qui mocha java blue mountain latte.

delivering the


invest in the moment

You can never put a price on an image, each moment only happens once. 

Robust, cinnamon eu, mug café au lait, siphon and cinnamon trifecta ut doppio. Roast, extra so plunger pot frappuccino whipped galão sweet. Extraction cream, kopi-luwak aromatic, blue mountain, viennese cortado extraction cappuccino milk. And beans, to go sweet latte est to go qui extra. Flavour sugar body ut caffeine decaffeinated fair trade cortado.

Qui, instant chicory aroma cup froth cappuccino qui mug steamed. Single shot arabica, spoon americano con panna extra mocha. And id carajillo macchiato id lungo skinny. Percolator, french press roast, cup espresso cup americano redeye. Mocha iced beans, qui mocha java blue mountain latte.

let's do this!

invest in the
